Thursday, November 8, 2007

What is a Cultural Tourism Technology?

Lets break it down.

It basically the future marketing strategy for the Internet.

CTT's are the next wave of how we will distribute information.

The Future Generation learning tools are CTT tagged through out the process of creation.

Our project is designed to work with the cultural communities it serves.

Adding to the cultural work of preserving the history of the community.

The Future generation project collects and projects, railway content for CTT.

In the next wave of opportunity for the soft world we will see new marketing tools.

Over the past ten years Spirit Of The Trail productions has been working at connecting communities.

Our business model is ready.

The Future Generation PEIRailway is ready to be built.

Each community has a story and a station with stone memorial to mark the history and the legacy of the railway workers as well the entire cultural track record called "The Cultural Onion." This is a process of marking Time and place within a sphere of data.
Just like an onion the growth Rings of a community can be seen and recorded for Future Generations.

How does CTT work with in this sphere."The Cultural Onion" The content of a community can be shared and added to history and geography.

Our history and geography can be told using the train as a vehicle that a learner would ride.

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