Friday, November 16, 2007

CN Pensioners Association council *9 November 16th 2007

Robert Trainor
Presidents Address November 16th 2007
Ladies and gentlemen, Fellow members, Honored guests.
It is my pleasure to see all of you again this year. I hope all have been well since last we met.
This year we had some concern expressed as to our annual banquets being put on in a buffet style.
Some members have said they could attend a sit down banquet.
As a result of this concern I will be asking the executive to change our annual banquets to a sit down dinner. The meal will then be served to you at you table.. Hopefully this change will mean no member will be left out because of the inconvenience of having to stand in line etc......
This change will begin in 2008.
There has been interest expressed to me about having our Railway history, culture and legacy preserved by going east to west and holding interviews with members on their former jobs and other memories about railway work from days gone bye. This will then be compiled as the history of the railway worker on Prince Edward Island as told by the last generation of CN workers on Prince Edward Island.
The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation has expressed great interest in putting this history together for Future Generations, school curriculums and museums and tourism locations along the old railway lines.
I have had several meetings with Dr. David Keenlyside, Executive Director P.E.I. Museums and Heritage Foundation. These interviews will be starting in the near future.
When Prince Edward Island history is completed our CN pensioners will be given the recognition they so richly deserve. P.E.I. departments of Tourism, Education, Community and Cultural Affairs, Technology and Community Development are also joining in this effort.
The City of Charlottetown has written to me regarding Future Generations ad-hoc committee requesting we submit an application for a grant in 2008 from the City.
As chairperson of this ad hoc committee I will be happy to oblige.
I must advise all members that my term as president will come to an end Dec 31 2007........

A new executive will be voted in today by all the members present.
They will be sworn in and assume office January 1, 2008.
It has always been my top priority to do my very best in the service of my fellow workers. It has been a great honor to serve you for the past four years.
In my heart this has always been my passion.
I have also enjoyed tremendously our work on the Executive and I look forward to working with the new Executive in the coming years as Past President and Vice President, Atlantic Regional Council.
I would also like to thank all the executive that has worked so hard with me over the past four years.
Together we have overcome many challenges.
I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication to the membership of our association.

In closing
I would like all of you to know that my desire and passion remains steadfast in the preservation of the history of all the railway workers on Prince Edward Island, past and present.
We are the last Generation of railway workers, and with your help I will do my very best to see that our story is told. I feel it is our duty to continue this important work of preserving our history, culture and legacy for Future Generations.
The importance of preserving our History, culture and legacy will remain priority number 1 with me.
Hopefully I can continue to count on your support for Future Generations. This legacy must be passed on to our children, grandchildren and all Future Generations. This will be our legacy. Thank you all for your time and patience.
Fraternally yours,

Robert Trainor President, CNPA Council # 9
Vice President Atlantic Region Council, C.N.P.A.

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